Home Storia dell’Insegnamento Workshop e Congressi ICHME

Workshop e Congressi ICHME

2.4.2004 – Pisa, Domus Galilaeana
Workshop su L’insegnamento della matematica in Italia dalla legge Casati alla legge Gentile. Problemi, metodi, dibattiti e provvedimenti legislativi


15.4.2005 – Pisa, Domus Galilaeana
Workshop on Mathematics in the Italian Education System from the middle of 19th century to the end of 20th century. Problems, methods, textbooks and legislative measures.


The First International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Garðabær (Iceland), 20-24/6/2009

Proceedings: Dig where you stand. Proceedings of the Conference on On-going Research in the History of Mathematics Education (Garðabær, Iceland, June 20–24, 2009), K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti & G. Schubring (Eds.), Reykjavik: University of Iceland, 2009


The Second International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Lisbon (Portugal), 2-5/10/2011

Proceedings: “Dig where you. Stand” Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, J. Matos & G. Schubring (Eds.), Lisbona: UIED, 2012


The Third International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Uppsala (Sweden), 25-28/9/2013

Proceedings: Dig where you stand” 3. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, J. Prytz & G. Schubring (Eds.), Uppsala: Uppsala University, 2015


The Fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Torino (Italia), 23-26/9/2015: https://www.ichme4.unito.it/home

Proceedings: “Dig where you stand” 4. Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, J. Prytz, M. Menghini & G. Schubring (Eds.), Rome: Nuova Cultura, 2017


The Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, Utrecht (The Netherlands), 19-22/9/2017.: https://www.ichme-5.nl

Proceedings: “Dig Where You Stand” 5. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, J. Krüger, J. Prytz, G. Schubring, & H.J. Smid (Eds.), Utrecht: Freudenthal Institute, 2019


The Sixth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education, CIRM, Marseille (France), 16-20/9/2019: https://conferences.cirm-math.fr/2038.html

Proceedings: “Dig where you stand” 6. Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education. E. Barbin, K. Bjarnadóttir, F. Furinghetti, A. Karp, G. Moussard, J.Prytz & G. Schubring (Eds.) Münster: WTM-Verlag, 2020


The Seventh International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education Mainz (Germany), 19-23/9/2022: https://ichme7.uni-mainz.de